Amazing businesses need the greatest and most amazing platform to get their content out there and Mobimag is here to give you that!

With our world-first technology, we help you get more readers, subscribers, and sales by making your content look amazing.

Read on to find out more about what our awesome customers got to say.

Today, we are thrilled to introduce you to one of our beloved Mobimag customers, Chris Beks. He is the owner of Ceebeks, an accounting firm, and he is currently working on the 13th edition of his magazine titled "Chasing the Dream" using Mobimag. Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with Chris and delve deeper into his experience with Mobimag. Here are some insights he shared with us.

How did you first discover Mobimag?

I first discovered Mobimag several years ago when Dale Beaumont, the founder of Business Blueprint, launched it as a new product to members at a Business Blueprint Conference. I was immediately intrigued by the potential of this product to revolutionize the way businesses publish content.

What was it about Mobimag that made you sign up?

We were immediately drawn to the product because it was innovative and cutting-edge, allowing us to position our professional services in a unique way to our competition.

In fact, we were able to differentiate ourselves by becoming the first business to publish a digital magazine in Southwest Victoria.

In addition, we were recognized nationally by the Australian Accounting Awards in 2021 as the winner of the Marketing Program of the Year for our marketing campaigns that included this extraordinary product during the height of the COVID pandemic.

We believe that Mobimag and our digital magazine played a pivotal part in securing this award because of its uniqueness in the Accounting Industry and because no one else was doing anything like it in the marketing space.

Can you tell us more about Mobimag and who it's designed for?

Over the past 34 years, we have built a business community called ‘Chasing the Dream’ for our customers. This magazine is part of our product ecosystem, which also includes a daily blog, weekly podcast, monthly newsletter, and meetup, all supported by our business coaching program.

Each quarter, we release a new edition that features one of our ‘Chasers’ on the front cover, with a section highlighting their journey. It also includes educational content, offers, an article by an industry expert, tech tool reviews, and jokes or comics for light-hearted amusement.

Issuu Read and explore more about Chris’ Chasing the Dream magazine here

What are some of your favourite features about Mobimag?

We particularly love the flexibility of Mobimag's design features and configuration. It works with many external graphics and design tools, as long as the documents are saved in a PDF format before uploading them to Mobimag. Additionally, the ability to rearrange pages within the platform even after publishing makes it even more amazing and flexible.

We also love how easy it is to share and promote our magazine on social media from within the platform.

What are some of the best comments you have received from your readers?

Over time, I have received a lot of positive and inspiring comments from our readers. Here are a few of them:

"We love the ability to read your magazine on our iPhone in the same way we do with other content in a digital space, like emails, texts, and websites that are dynamic."

"Your magazine is always current, fresh, and full of interesting things to read for anyone in business."

What are your thoughts on Mobimag for someone who is considering using it?

When we first started, we found it quite daunting but exciting at the same time, as hardly anyone was using the platform. It had only just launched, and we were very much like "beta testers." Thanks to numerous questions and insightful demos with the Mobimag team, we quickly found our rhythm in the magazine publishing space.

It was incredibly helpful for us to explore various magazine layouts and templates when we began our journey with Mobimag. This allowed us to choose a format that we liked. Since then, the platform has grown, and there are now hundreds of different digital magazines available. This provides a fantastic reference point to see what others have accomplished.

Due to time constraints, we reached out to a colleague who works as a magazine editor. They provided valuable guidance on areas to focus on, ensuring that our magazine checked all the boxes.

This tool offers a unique and clever way to reach a different audience. In addition, we produce printed hard copies to be displayed in the waiting rooms and businesses of our featured customers. Using Mobimag will enable you to achieve a wider reach and gain greater recognition, just as we did when we won a national award.

Mobimag can be utilized to promote your customers, monetized through advertising if you choose to do so, and showcase your business products, services and special offers.

Explore the incredible possibilities of digital publishing with Mobimag! Start now and experience the innovative features that can transform your publishing efforts.

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